Whole fried fish
Whole fried fish

whole fried fish

whole fried fish

Also used 1.5 cups oil in a cast iron skillet instead of 3. I was surprised that the tomatillo sauce was raw, and i couldn't find jallapenos so i used pickled pepperoncini peppers which worked great. This really was a great dinner that I will be making again many times. I usually use recipes for inspiration and kind of do my own thing, but I followed this one closely with the exception of adding a little bit of yogurt to the tomatillo sauce. I did not use nearly that much oil for the fish, just eyeballed a few tablespoons into a large wok. I then made another batch of the sauce to keep on hand for other meals - it was a surprising and delicious salsa with all raw ingredients - really fresh and vibrant tasting. I made this with pacific rockfish aka pacific ocean perch and it was delicious and quick. Make the dipping sauce by combining all the ingredients in a bowl. This opens up the fish to the hot oil and makes it cook faster. Make the slices at an angle, from the tail end toward the head end. Tuck reserved cilantro into the cavity between the fish’s head and body and around the fish. Use a sharp kitchen knife to slash the sides of the fish perpendicular to the backbone. Pour tomatillo sauce onto a rimmed platter and gently place fish on top. Transfer to a wire rack and season both sides with more salt.

#Whole fried fish skin#

Fry until flesh on second side is cooked through and skin is deeply browned and crisp, about 4 minutes. Use tongs and a fish spatula to carefully turn fish over. While the fish is frying, use a metal spoon to baste the inside of the fish’s head with a bit of hot oil periodically. (If the tail sticks out of the pan a bit, it’s not a huge deal.) Fry until flesh on bottom side is cooked through and skin is deeply browned and crisp, about 4 minutes. When the oil is hot-it should be shimmering, and when you drop a small piece of tortilla into the oil it should begin sizzling immediately-grip the fish firmly by the tail and carefully lower, head first, into skillet, making sure to lay it down away from you. Season fish generously inside and out with salt. With a sharp knife, make slashes crosswise on a diagonal along the body of the fish every 2" on both sides, cutting all the way down to the bone. Transfer fish to a cutting board and pat dry thoroughly with paper towels. Heat oil in a large cast-iron skillet over high. Purée until smooth taste and season sauce with salt and more pickling liquid if desired. Coarsely chop about ½ cup worth of stems and place in a blender along with tomatillos, pickled jalapeños, and pickling liquid. Trim cilantro at the point where it becomes more stem-y than leafy set leaves with tender stems aside for serving.

Whole fried fish